Everybody woke-up, back on the road. More cactus, More rocks, more sand... We passed through 3 or 4 police checkpoints, and were stopped only once. Some conversation, reading (i'm almost finishing The shining, from Stephen King, cool book), two Subways stops, and once in town, we stopped at In-n Out. After, Sergio's house, where we literally camped! By night, car ride with Gabo to O.B., Wendy's, some people at Garnet St., then we went home. Freezing night!! I could not get to sleep. And I could not imagine what tomorrow would be like...
(by Chokito)
photo above: the only photo of Austin!!! Café Funquê, leaving Robert's house on sunday , 22nd March. photo by Hilda Guevara.
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