22:50 - saimos do Rio terça de carnaval, chovia muito. Ficamos enchendo a cara e quase perdemos o vôo. Só falatavam nós 4. O Felipe foi se cagando sozinho em outro vôo, bem a nossa cara. Tudo tranquilo até demais! Depois de 200 horas ainda estávamos no Pará! Putaquiupará...
by Cacau.
24 Feb - Well, here we are. Cacau sleeps beside me, with her tedddy bear (actually it's a dog, which belongs to her real dog, Negão. You can only imagine the smell of it...), Gabriel is on the next seat writing a lyric or something, while Gabriel the sax player (Gabo from now on) is probably sleeping due either by the amount of food he ate or due to his sleeping pills, hehe. Our guitar player, Felipe, went in another flight, a little bit earlier. Hey, it's unbelievable, Café Funquê going to USA. After a lot of discussion, we decided to face the challenge: a cucaracha band in Uncle Sam's land!
I wish we get there soon. I really don't understand why people just love to travel by plane. Alright, take-off and landingis really very cool, but the rest... You're not allowed to smoke, the food is tasteless (chicken or beef, sir?), and to crown the whole thing, the movie was a shit! The stewardesswere much older than they should be; how can it be, with all the technology, and expensive tickets, and not even a good movie? Damn...
Hours and hours flying, it seems that Brasil never ends...
(by Chokito)
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