08-30 - Dormimos bem. Eu acordei antes de todo mundo, claro, não vim aqui pra dormir porra, e sai pra dar uma corridinha pra quebrar o frio. Temos um compromisso na Duke University, que é onde vamos tocar amanhã. Tipo um bate-papo informal sobre cultura musical brasileira. Um luxo!
00:40h - A noite, fomos tocar (primeiro show!) num bar/restaurante turco... "Tallula's"!
Me lembrei de Tallulah Bunkhead, atriz mucho loca americana da década de 20!
Pouquíssimas pessoas, só pra variar, pra constatar que o mundo ;e pqueno demais para brasileiros, econtramos e conhecemos quatro. O Nome da cidade é Chapel Hill, que é o oposto de Durham: vários pubs, bares e restaurantes e várias pessoas enlouquecidas nas ruas. Todo mundo ruim!
Menos a gente... até que.... bom, como era verde meu vale!
Ah, o show foi muito bom! (Alguém duvida?)
E os brazucas locais nos A M A R A M!
P.S: fomos e voltamos os cinco + bateria completa + guitarra + baixo + respectivos amps, fodidos e enlatados como sardinhas dentro de um Honda Civic 91. Rolaram uns peidos (meus, claro!) paramos num beco sem saída com uns 8 carros de polícia em Chapel Hill e na volta ainda erramos o caminho duas vezes! bem rock and roll, foi lindo! As 05 da manhã... Ah, como era verde o meu vale!
(by Cacau)
26 Feb - We woke-up very early (ok, 10:30am is not so early, but, wow, nobody deserves it...) and went to Duke University. It's really very near to "our " home, so we just walked. God, what a sight! Blair's witch definetely lives around here! And she probably do, because there's no one walking on the streets, just a few (2 or 3) runners. Duke University is one of the most important universities of USA, and, because of that, is a very expensive one. The buildings are very beautiful, and the gothic styleis everywhere (what an amazing church!). And lots of brickmade little buildings, so cool. There are a lot of asian students, they seem to be everywhere!
We had a kind of lecture to Magda's students, she works with Leslie (Brazilian Studies, can you believe it?!). And her pupils actually speaks portuguese, which is amazing, hehe.The lecture was very cool, we talked about our band, brazilian culture, about our influences, among other things. After, a very spicy lunch at the Teacher's restaurant. Then, we went to the Guitar Center (another paradise on earth!) and bought a guitar amp ( Fender Blues Jr.) and a bass amp ( an Ampeg B115), so that we can play. I tested the bass amps with a Fender Jaguar Bass, an amazing bass guitar, and with a Fender Precision, which was not that good. Now, a cello for U$ 190 is too much temptation...
03:30am- Do you know those tuna cans? Now picture this: 5 people, a guitar and a bass guitar, bass amp, guitar amp, 1 sax, and a COMPLETE drum set inside of a small car (a 91 Honda Civic), all together. Yeah, it was just like this. Nobody deserves...The show was really cool, it was a turkish restaurant called Tallula's, cool place. There were brazilians there too. another cool thing was buying a Wiston, which I haven't smoked for about 15 years ( don't smoke, children...)
(by Chokito)
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