Começou a nevar!!! Incrível!!! É neve de verdade!!! Agora são 11:oo pm, nosso vale vai ficar green daqui a pouco... E quanto a vocês, mortais: morram de calor porraí que porraqui vai começar a "Primeira Batalha de Neve Cafunquê"!!! Um bando de malucos que TIVERAM infância se divertindo muuuito com uma coisa tão simples. Agora a gente tem certeza de que não é sonho... estamos mesmo na terra de Obama!!! E Bara quer o quê? Bará qué Brahma, Skol, Bohemia e muito mais!! Agora são 02:30 am. Tardão! Cansamos de jogar bolas de neve uns nos outros (o Gabo se estabacou no chão, foi lindo...e eu tomei uma bola de neve na cara! Chokito também!). Hora de arrumar as nossas tralhas. Vôo pra San Diego (uêeba!!) partindo às 09:00 am. Serão duas horas até Chicago, conexão, e mais 3h ou 4h até a Terra do Surf. A aventura continua e o dindin acabando...
Tá na hora de vender o corpitcho... Numa boa, que frio é esse, zente? Bjs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(by Cacau)
1st of March- We took a ride by car, and composed a song ( just singing, of course) with the names of the places that were passing through, it was very funny, it's a shame we didn't record it. Sears, Wal Mart, Marshall's , Best Buy, then we went to Guitar Center to give the bass amp back, then Mc Donald's. Outside, huh, it was freezing! Got back home, dinner, then me and Gabo were smoking a cigarette outside the house when a snowflake fell over me. God! My first snowflake! So cool! Ok, it was like a single sand grain, but it was amazing! After, the Gabriels and me went to Dereje's home, to make some contacts and maybe a gig when we come back from Texas. The guy is very cool, and we talked a lot about Brasil and his country, Ethiopia, He also has two cool dogs. Going back home, the view was beyond beautiful: snow everywhere! Just like the movies! So you can guesswhat happened next: a huge snowball war, the first of our lives, heeh, very cool! Of course Cacau was the main target, but that didn't save me from receiving a killer one right on my face. Damn! Wet, freezing, but undoubtely happy, we got inside and packed our stuff, 'cause tomorrow we're going to San Diego.
(by Chokito)
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