Skindô, skindô! Fizemos um carnaval no suingue do rock e do jeito que a gente gosta, não ficou ninguém parado! Gente do mundo inteiro: Pangaea Party. Foi tudo de bom. Dava pra sentir a energia dos gringos. Muitas gatas... e gatos também. Bom, fuckfuck nem pensar, mas tudo bem, ainda temos uns 40 dias pra pegar alguém nem que seja na porrada. depoius do show, mil fotos, contatos e otras cositas mas... Fomos até uma pizzaria em Durham mesmo. Tudo cheio praka. Pedimos pra viagem e enfim kza, Blue Moon, Stella e... ai, como era verde o meu vale! E a sensação do dever cumprido ninguém tira de nós. Pra falar bem francamente, a gente arrebentou e quebrou as regras da Duke. Café Funquê neles!
Hoje tem um pocket acústico numa churrascaria brasileira. Nosso cachê? Encher o rabo de carne que ninguém tá de bobeira, mané! Em tempo: fomos abordados ontem na Guitar Center por dois brasileiros que ja sabiam do nosso show no Tallula's, pode? Claro que pode, com a gented pode, e quem não pode que se foda!
(by Cacau)
28 Feb- Shopping day. Sears, Macy's, Best Buy, and all these places. Gabo bought himself a tennis, and I was almost kicked out from a wig storejust because I a was trying too many wigs, haha ( the corean kong started to shout, "no more try, no more try", haha, very funny. Motherf#@&^%$!!!! On our way home, we entered a cool comic books store, and I bought Sandman's vol 1, which is completely sold out in Brasil. Cool!!! But the truth is that I never had the time to fully enjoy my comic book, 'cause my motherf@$#$%% band mates just surprised me: they bought to me the Hot Rod Red Fender Jaguar Bass Guitar that I tested two days ago! Amazing, man! Unbelievable! Motherf$%#^%$&^*!!!
By night we had a show at Chamas, a brazilian barbecue restaurant. Damn, it was awesome to eat typical brazilian food, like white rice and beans. Cool! And, of course, the meat was really something. I was still feeling like a pig when we started playing. We played a very soft set, very jazzy. It was very funny,' cause it was very different from what we are used to. A soft Café Funquê. On the way back home, Gabo, Cacau and Felipe tried to buy beer in a 7/11, but they could not because they were without their id's. In the other hand, I was not bothered at all, with my casual and natural american style, heheh!!!
(by Chokito)
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