Ai, que sono, que frio, que tudo! Tá uma nevasca in-cri-vel, zente! É tanto branco cintilando igual a escama de peixe... Pensei nos véios! Estamos indo pro airport, no caminho tinha uma porrada de carros derrapados e batidos. É, a neve é bonita mas também perigosa... Chegamos às 07:40 am no aeroporto, faz check-in, passa no detector, tinha duas peças da bateria do Gabriel comigo, vixemary!! Parou a porra toda! Nos sentimos Muhameds. Neguinho fala muito rápido por aqui, não tô tindindo nada. No final, foi só falta de informação e tudo bem, devem estar nos vigiando pelas cameras, rrsrs. Tô bem cinicazinha e sentadinha num cantinho escrevendo pra vocês. Estamos aqui há menos de uma semana, mas já posso escrever um livro, que doideira!! I wanna get high!!!!!!!
(by Cacau)
2nd Mar- I did not sleep at all. Around 06:00 am everybody woke-up, we took our things then shuttle to the airport. What a sight! Everything was covered by snow. On the way, 7 0r 8 car accidents. Yeah, the snow is beautiful but also dangerous... At the airport, an unbelievable cold. And the check-in was OUTSIDE the building, freaky! My breakfast: chickenburguer and Coke, rsrsr. Damaceno had some problems with his baggage, but nothing serious, thanks God. The authorities here are very, very paranoid. You cannot even speak the word "bomb". Damn, you're not allowed to do anything! The flight was ok, we had a connection in Chicago (Blues Brothers' land, Felipe and Gabo just bought Blues Bro. hats for themselves, cool) then we took a plane to San Diego. To me, this was the worst flight ever. My nose was very dry, almost bleeding, the seat was too narrow, and I couldn't get to sleep at all. At least the view from up there was amazing! Pretty beautiful!
(by Chokito)
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